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Magento 2 Advanced Sorting — The way you will feel comfort

Advanced Sorting

When you enter a shop, what do you want to see? You want to see a space that is tidy, bright, and clean, with appealing displays and high-quality merchandise. Everything must be in its proper position in order for consumers to feel nice and comfortable. The same is true for internet stores. 

Even if there are no rooms like there are in the actual world, there are still a lot of items that need to be neatly organized so that everyone can locate what they are looking for. This has a direct impact on your sales since the ease with which buyers can locate things determines how many items you can sell. If your catalog is disorganized and things are not properly categorized, your customers will be unable to locate the products they require, resulting in lower sales. 

When you’re launching an eCommerce project, this is the last thing you want to see. So, how do you deal with a scenario like this?

We recommend that you try the extension from Mirasvit, one of the top Magento 2 module developers on the internet. This module assists you incorrectly sorting all of the items in your catalog, ensuring that users have the most pleasurable and easy browsing and purchase experience possible. Let’s learn a bit more about this plugin if you’re interested in such a solution.

The way everything works here

Before going on to the module’s aim, let’s start with some non-essential features. As a result, there are a number of valuable add-on features that will improve your overall experience.

Taking your website to the top

The ranking factor directs the search process. Any attribute may be used as a factor in enhancing search results and overall company performance using this tool. Any argument can be designated as a global parameter, meaning it takes precedence over all others. The following features are available for you to choose from:


Improved Sorting for Magento 2 is a way to make your business one level higher, which will bring you more profit in the future. The possibility to comfortably search for products is pretty important for customers. Everyone likes when items are sorted and organized well. With the help of this extension, you can achieve the success you will never achieve with the standard functionality. Moreover, the conditions that Mirasvit offers to its clients are extremely affordable and enjoyable. Make your business easier and more lucrative by installing one simple tool that can do the vast majority of work for you!